The global pandemic has given new meaning to the notion of thankfulness. While we mourn those we lost during this difficult period, many families are grateful to be able to gather safely, remember loved ones, and welcome new family members. After nearly three years of Covid-19 restrictions, families and friends gather with renewed enthusiasm for their holiday traditions. This year top chefs have been busy. The 2022 holiday season offers new culinary trends with creativity and warmth. Here, we take a look at three of the most popular ways influencers are creating non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner.
Traditional Thanksgiving Turkey
The single Thanksgiving tradition that anchors the holiday is the beloved Thanksgiving turkey. America consumes an estimated 46 million turkeys each holiday season: that’s nearly 80% of us featuring turkey in our holiday meals. A typical traditional Thanksgiving turkey feast might include a combination of green bean casserole, mashed sweet potatoes or yams, creamed spinach, and Brussel sprouts. Cranberry sauce, a wide variety of stuffings and rolls, hot from the oven, complete the traditional table setting.
Recently however, you may have noticed a departure from the traditional table to more imaginative Thanksgiving dining alternatives. These are just a few of the Thanksgiving Dinner ideas and fascinating stories we’ve discovered to wish you the best holiday ever.
A Chesapeake Coastal Feast
Country Living Magazine features fourth-generation oyster famers, Travis and Ryan Croxton, founders of the Rappahannock Oyster Co. In 2001, they got a phone call from their dads asking if they had any interest in the family’s 200-odd acres of oyster leases – the contract with the state was expiring. What happened next is a rich story you’ll find on their website.
For the holiday season, they cook a menu of simple Southern-costal fare, and share recipes you may borrow for your holiday. Learn more.
The Croxtons like a cold sparkling wine or brut Champagne with their feast. If you can splurge, try a bottle or two of Nyetimber or just get your favorite bubbly.
Main Course: simple herbed turkey with easiest ever gravy—loads of butter keep the meat moist, and handfuls of flavorful fresh herbs keep it simple and tasty.
Sides include oyster pie, crab cakes, oyster stuffing with bacon-scallion cream sauce, bourbon yams, lima bean and Corn Succotash. You’ll also find a recipe for Nana’s Famous Corn Pudding. You might even take the plunge, and finish off your feast with a dessert of cranberry walnut shortbread bars.
Vegan Holiday Cuisine
You don’t have to be Vegan to find these Thanksgiving ideas attractive. Food allergies, and an assortment of other circumstances may require forgoing a meat entrée. However, it doesn’t mean sacrificing a delicious meal with warm fellowship of friends and family. On the contrary, you may find some of these dishes fulfill your dream of a non-traditional holiday reunion. Of course, taking your meal preparation into plant-based territory can feel a bit intimidating.
But Runner’s World makes it easy. Their Thanksgiving dinner includes dishes that are just as satisfying as traditional ones, packed with the same fall flavors we all know and love. The spiciness of pumpkin, the heartiness of a thick gravy, and the warm fluffiness of stuffing can all be accomplished in vegan-friendly ways—believe it or not—and we’re here to show you how.
Click the link below to find 35 vegan recipes that explore cuisine without using a single egg, pat of butter, or dash of milk. And of course, since it’s Vegan, there’s zero meat involved. But if you experiment with two or three dishes, you may find guests won’t notice the winged gobbler is missing from the table. Check out these menu ideas here. Runner’s World Vegan Thanksgiving
A Small Plate Approach to Thanksgiving
Are you weary of the toll of stuffing yourself to the brim, and running over with the biggest meal of the year? Well, here’s an idea to get your stuffing down to size. Instead of filling a large plate to the outer margins, try a series of small plates that shift the focus entirely. You can go from the traditional sit-down dinner to a more casual fellowship of delectable small plate treats. Add music for atmosphere, and transport your guests to a refreshing Thanksgiving that won’t add 10lbs.
Eat Well 101 has an irresistible assortment of small plate ideas. From pepperoni basic tomato puffs, to honey garlic bacon wrapped shrimp or Brussel sprouts, you might try the recipe for spicey deviled eggs or garlic balsamic slow-cooked pork shoulder. You’ll find them all here.
Of course, with dishes this rich, you can’t guarantee your Thanksgiving offers fewer calories. But who’s counting? Now that you're inspired to create a holiday feast, perhaps you'd like to learn more about our team. You'll find them here.
All of us at River North Law Group are wishing all of you and yours a warm and memorable Thanksgiving and a most delicious feast!