Transportation Accidents

Every transportation accident is unique in circumstance and severity. Your case could involve moderate but a chronic disability unforeseen at the time of the accident. Many other accidents result in catastrophic injuries that permanently change the lives of their victims. Our attorneys have extensive experience managing all types of personal … Read More

Dog Bite Injuries

Dogs bite nearly 5 million people a year in the U.S. Of the total number of dog bite injuries, nearly half of those injured are children, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says. Over 800,000 Americans each year seek medical attention for wounds from dog bites, and 386,000 … Read More

Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip & Fall Injuries Can Be Serious When you are injured on commercial premises due to defective construction or dangerous conditions, the owner may be liable. These injuries can be serious to tenants, visitors, or customers on retail property. Our experienced attorneys  help you understand your rights. Call River North … Read More