Slip & Fall Injuries Can Be Serious
When you are injured on commercial premises due to defective construction or dangerous conditions, the owner may be liable. These injuries can be serious to tenants, visitors, or customers on retail property. Our experienced attorneys help you understand your rights. Call River North Law Group to get the professional legal advice you need to develop a case. Our track record for winning slip and fall cases is extensive. You'll find a listening ear and experienced advice.
Property owners, business owners and landlords have a duty under Illinois law to maintain property they own, and to insure its safety. However, ignoring or neglecting Illinois building codes is common, which is why we fight for victims of these injuries. Frequently, the dangers are clear-cut, like a slippery substance on the floor, or a hole in the ground. However, sometimes defects that are not readily apparent, may lead to injury and liability to the owner.
What Illinois Law Says
Under Illinois law, violations of building codes or failure to comply with accepted standards can subject a building owner to liability. These regulations are the basis of prosecuting cases involving slips and falls. Since compliance failure on building codes are among the most common, we've recovered damages in most cases we take on.
Our attorneys have represented people seriously injured in accidents involving falling on stairs, snow and ice falls. We've also filed a number of cases due to slippery liquids on retail property. Parking lot defects, cracks and holes in sidewalks, among other circumstances have caused injury in cases we've won.
If you or a family member has been injured in a slip and fall accident, contact us today for a free consultation. 312-944-2224